What orders do you bring to shoppers?
I’ve made over 100 deliveries so far. The most interesting ones were: top part of a Mazda branded car, blue colored contact and Japanese anime stickers. The most requested products are from cosmetics, technology and supplement powders.
What was your biggest motivation when using Glocalzone?
The fact that users request affordable products I am not aware that I also need for myself is my biggest motivation. This way I can purchase the product both for the shopper and myself. I have also met a lot of people from various backgrounds via Glocalzone. Prior to my first experience, I had security concerns about using Glocalzone. Then I realized that the shoppers also share the same values and perspective with me and it gave me a lot of confidence in using the app.
Where will your next destination be? Are you going to use Glocalzone on this trip, if so why?
I’ve planned my next trip to the United States in May but I had to postpone due to the COVID-19 outbreak. But I am going to use Glocalzone in my next trip as soon as things go back to normal. I’m grateful that Glocalzone has given me the opportunity to make money and meet new people on my trips!
I’ve been on a business trip to Dubai and lost my wallet while I was touristing with a friend. I spent hours trying to find the taxi service to get my wallet back and everyone was so chill when I was freaking out about my wallet. I can never forget that day, I almost fainted due to the heat and humidity as well. I cancelled all my credit cards and got a taxi to the airport and I almost missed the flight in the meantime. The Turkish Airline representative told me I’m 10 minutes late for the check-in so I missed the flight and had to go back to the hotel. While I was spending the night at the hotel, my phone rang: It was from the person who found my wallet! He didn’t trust the taxi driver so he gave the wallet to hotel employees. I had mixed feelings about the situation and definitely one of the craziest adventures I had on a trip.
Would you recommend Glocalzone to other travelers? Why?
Definitely! I have many friends that work or study in the U.S. and I think Glocalzone will give them the opportunity to make money from their vacation trips to Turkey.