If you're wondering the experience of bringing products from abroad with Glocalzone, read a real experience now!


How did I Get My Instax Mini?

February 3, 2023

Social media is occupying more space in our daily lives than before. I have used many technological gadgets to take pictures and create content in the past 4 years. The content creation got harder since the international competitors had every equipment they needed to be better than me. I brought some products for Glocalzone users on my travel to Paris. So, I decided to shop via Glocalzone.

A Picture of mine in Paris

To be honest, I had so many questions in my mind like: Will I receive my order? Is the traveler reliable? Can I trust Glocalzone? Anyways, I created order from a traveler who was returning from the United State in a week. The next day, we agreed on the traveler award and product price and I made the payment. We met at Kanyon Mall the next week for the delivery. All the questions in my head just went away after experiencing such a smooth process of receiving my product.